One of the main things that people mention when I tell them that I will be in China, is the food. There are those who have an adventurous spirit about trying new things in regard to food...there are the others that are a bit reserved about the cultural "divide" when it comes to the differences in diet.

I must admit if I have any reservations about China, there are two that stand out. One would be about pollution and the other about food. So I have been doing a bit of research on both. I believe that mentally preparing yourself for anything that might be a challenge is 95% of tackling the "problem." So research and knowledge ahead of time helps with this mental preparation.
The following link is one of those sites that is helping in this mental prep.
BREAKFAST in CHINA (and other meals)
Luckily I already have down the art of actually EATING (with chopsticks)...but for those who don't this video might be of some help.
How To Use Chopsticks

And for the cooks out there...
How To Cook Chinese
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