Trains were the best way to travel while in China. They are better than airplanes because you can actually lay down, stretch out and relax. The train back from our last weekend trip from Wuhan, was a highlight of the trip in many ways. We were all in 3 stacked bed quarters. Six people to each "cabin" (although it was an open cabin). It was about a 5 hour train ride if I remember correctly. The first part of the ride was spent sleeping and having a good nap after all the climbing we did.
Once on our platform (crowded in with all the other passengers waiting for the train) the station security with large sticks started blowing their whistles and yelling (in Chinese) for everyone to get behind a red line on the platform (so they wouldn't be smashed by the train). They didn't have smiles on their faces, and with the yelling and sticks/clubs...I made sure I was completely behind the line! Once on the platform, there was probably no more than a 10 minute wait...probably more like a 6 minute wait...for the train to arrive. As soon as it did everyone quickly jumped on dragging all their things with them.
One of the pictures was a butterfly (see posted here). The mom of one of the girls (the one in white) had the two sing a song about butterflies.
Here it is!
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