We flew into Wuhan and were quickly checked into our rooms. We were exhausted. Our rooms are nice and have air conditioning, which is very much a luxury here! So again the Chinese are very good with treating their guests to the best they have, and we greatly appreciate it. We went to sleep to get much needed rest for the next day...our first day at the University.
Everyone we met in China (and before we got here) talked about how HOT Wuhan was...but I find it to be about like the temperatures in Nashville. There is high humidity, and low 90 temperatures. So it is very tolerable. Also...the university is on a lake, and so we get a nice breeze most of the time that comes off of it.

Our first day at Hubei University started with an Opening Ceremony and group photograph in front of the new library on campus. There were speeches by the president of the University Wu Chuanxi, and the Vice President, Yan Xuejun along with the director of the international office, who is really our host for the most part, Li Xiangkun. They welcomed all of us and then Dr. Kung had all of us to introduce ourselves, and then we went and took the photograph. We were then presented with gifts from the university, Hubei University Polo Shirts! They are very nice, long sleeved polo shirts with the university's logo on them. After the opening ceremonies a group of 8 university students gave us a tour of the Hubei University museum.

We had lunch, again outstanding! We spent time with members of the faculty that will be teaching our classes during our stay...the calligraphy professor, Mr. Zhou Houhong and the painting professor Mr. Hu Zhiyoung sat with our table...and although they did not speak English and we did not speak Chinese...we all understood laughter, and eating! They are jokers...both fo them...Mr. Houhong is more dry in his humor...and Mr. Zhiyoung...my favorite...has a big hardy laugh....hmmmm who does that sound like? He smiles a lot and loves laughing.... Then to our first class...an introduction to Hubei Provience, Wuhan, and Hubei Universtiy.
Dinner that night was outstanding and we had an excellent time, again spending time with our hosts...this time mostly our student escorts around the campus. All girls, and all speaking excellent English! They are all so sweet and reserved and helpful!
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