Two things that aren't fun.
Our flight back from China on American Airlines, no problem. We travelled all over China...flying, trains, boats...wild taxi rides...etc. Some of it was pretty crazy, we even were harassed a bit because of the
missile incident...but the worst travel experience of the whole trip had to be at O'Hare airport in Chicago.
Not only did we miss our flight because the plane we had been on for 14 hours had to sit another 15 minutes on the runway before it was given the okay from O'Hare to go to a gate...we had to go through security at least 3 more times once in the airport (that's not counting the two parts of Customs we had to go through). It was bad, and we were sick of it by the time we made it to our SECOND GATE where we had to wait for our later flight that got us home an hour late...that's not that much time, unless you've been in China for a month!!!! Anyway O'Hare sux!
I also have really bad jet lag. I stayed up for 25 hours straight and was already a little sick from the trip...(which I still have a little of) and the no sleep didn't help. So jet lag has been rough. I stayed up yesterday trying to correct it, went and saw
The Dark Knight in IMAX and that woke me up a my haircut (almost fell out of the chair)...oh and the guy next to me heard me talking to the guy cutting my hair about being in China...and asked me about it because he leaves to go there at the end of the advice was take PLENTY OF TOILET PAPER.
So I got home around 4pm yesterday and crashed. I woke up around 9pm...stayed up until around midnight and took two AMBIEN. They worked. Knocked me out and I didn't wake up once until around 9am this morning. So I think by the time of bed tonight I'll take another Ambien and be ready to go and caught up on the sleep! Which is good...because tomorrow is my first day back to school.