Sunday, August 31, 2008

Photography Contest Finalist

I submitted a photograph from the trip to China, to a contest that the Tennessean newspaper was running, and it was selected (out of around 1200 photos I believe) as one of the top 20 finalists!

That's pretty exciting. It's nothing huge, just a local contest, but my first one I've been in since I started fooling around with photography. The winner wins like $100 or something.

I'm just pumped one of my photographs made it to the Top 20. =)

If you don't mind taking 10 seconds and going to the following link to vote for my photo...

I'm PHOTO #1 easy to find.... I sure would appreciate it.

Feel free to fwd this to others that wouldn't mind taking a moment to vote!

My photo is of The Sacred Way, in Beijing, China.

The day it was pouring down rain, and of course seems to have added to the total aura of the place.


ALSO...for those who haven't seen my pictures for some can go to

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